Workforce Training
We Can Cut It: Sharper Skills are Your Competitive Advantage.
ready SC
As an integral part of the SC Technical College System, the readySC™ program works with the 16 Technical Colleges to prepare South Carolina's workforce to meet the needs of your company.
Established in 1961, readySC™ is one of the oldest and most experienced workforce training programs in the United States. We are ready to bring this experience and expertise to work for your company.
The Mission of readySC™ is to promote the economic and workforce development of the state of SC. readySC™ provides customized training for new and expanding business and industry in the state of SC.
This training is provided at little or no cost to qualifying companies.
ready SCAs an integral part of the SC Technical College System, the readySC™ program works with the 16 Technical Colleges to prepare South Carolina's workforce to meet the needs of your company. Established in 1961, readySC™ is one of the oldest and most experienced workforce training programs in the United States. We are ready to bring this experience and expertise to work for your company. The Mission of readySC™ is to promote the economic and workforce development of the state of SC. readySC™ provides customized training for new and expanding business and industry in the state of SC. This training is provided at little or no cost to qualifying companies. |
Apprenticeship Carolina
Apprenticeships are an earn while you learn training model that combines structured on the job training, job related education, and a scalable wage progression. Apprenticeship Carolina™ works to ensure all employers in South Carolina have access to the information and technical assistance they need to create demand-driven registered apprenticeship programs. Apprenticeship consultants are available, at no charge to employers, to guide companies through the registered apprenticeship development process from initial information to full recognition in the national Registered Apprenticeship System.
Registered apprenticeship provides employers with the unique opportunity to grow their own workforce.
Apprenticeship CarolinaApprenticeships are an earn while you learn training model that combines structured on the job training, job related education, and a scalable wage progression. Apprenticeship Carolina™ works to ensure all employers in South Carolina have access to the information and technical assistance they need to create demand-driven registered apprenticeship programs. Apprenticeship consultants are available, at no charge to employers, to guide companies through the registered apprenticeship development process from initial information to full recognition in the national Registered Apprenticeship System. |
“The career center uses real life objectives and learning skills to prepare you to get placed in the direct job itself and the limited classroom spaces helps for direct contact between the teacher and student for better learning opportunities”
Zabien Jenkins, Student-Sumter Career & Technology Center
“The career center uses real life objectives and learning skills to prepare you to get placed in the direct job itself and the limited classroom spaces helps for direct contact between the teacher and student for better learning opportunities”
Zabien Jenkins, Student-Sumter Career & Technology Center
Youth Apprenticeship
Developing a continuous cycle of employable skills is achieved by keeping students engaged early and often. The youth apprenticeship program through Apprenticeship Carolina combines high school curriculum with training from a local employer. Youth apprentices earn a pay check while receiving education and developing the highly desirable skills that strengthen employment possibilities.
Youth ApprenticeshipDeveloping a continuous cycle of employable skills is achieved by keeping students engaged early and often. The youth apprenticeship program through Apprenticeship Carolina combines high school curriculum with training from a local employer. Youth apprentices earn a pay check while receiving education and developing the highly desirable skills that strengthen employment possibilities. |
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Training Center (AMTTC)
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Training Center (AMTTC)Customized training tailored to each employer tops the list of benefits offered at the AMTTC. The Advanced Manufacturing Technology Training Center is the newest addition to our workforce training catalog. Operated by Central Carolina Technical College, the facility is replete with industrial and educational equipment to prepare students for work and businesses for success. In-house training programs are in-place for company new hires or continued education. The onsite simulated work environment is easily modified to create training workspaces in order to mitigate production errors and thus revenue loss.
Sumter Career and Technology Center
Start Early. Finish Strong
Conveniently located near Sumter High School, the Career and Technology Center offers 16 career paths to accelerate students into the workforce. Leveraging partnerships with local business and industry leaders offer students experience in their desired field and provides insight into the world of work. Welding, Mechatronics and Aerospace Engineering programs anchor the career center’s curriculum and are highly sought-after by students.
Sumter Career and Technology CenterStart Early. Finish StrongConveniently located near Sumter High School, the Career and Technology Center offers 16 career paths to accelerate students into the workforce. Leveraging partnerships with local business and industry leaders offer students experience in their desired field and provides insight into the world of work. Welding, Mechatronics and Aerospace Engineering programs anchor the career center’s curriculum and are highly sought-after by students. |
Shaw Air Force Base
Shaw Air Force Base is a tremendous asset HERE. When local airmen and soldiers separate from the military, they have an above average skill set that transitions well into industries seeking a keen knowledge and sharp awareness of technology and other mechanical skills. Industries hosts military leadership onsite for tours, networking, and information sharing.
40-80 Airmen separate from Shaw monthly with above average skill sets. Through the Skillbridge program, they are able to transition to careers in our community with adds to our talent and labor pool.
Shaw Air Force BaseShaw Air Force Base is a tremendous asset HERE. When local airmen and soldiers separate from the military, they have an above average skill set that transitions well into industries seeking a keen knowledge and sharp awareness of technology and other mechanical skills. Industries hosts military leadership onsite for tours, networking, and information sharing. 40-80 Airmen separate from Shaw monthly with above average skill sets. Through the Skillbridge program, they are able to transition to careers in our community with adds to our talent and labor pool. |
SC Works
Through the SC Works center, the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce, the S.C. Department of Social Services, the Commission of the Blind, Adult Education, and the S.C. Department of Vocational Rehabilitation leverage the state’s workforce system by providing services such as career guidance, job referrals, and testing and training to meet the needs of jobseekers, employers and those looking to further their careers.
SC WorksThrough the SC Works center, the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce, the S.C. Department of Social Services, the Commission of the Blind, Adult Education, and the S.C. Department of Vocational Rehabilitation leverage the state’s workforce system by providing services such as career guidance, job referrals, and testing and training to meet the needs of jobseekers, employers and those looking to further their careers. |
SC Department of Employment and workforce
SCDEW matches jobseekers with employers quickly, efficiently, and effectively, and offers a variety of services to assist both groups. DEW, one of 16 cabinet agencies, is a partner in the state’s workforce system. DEW and its partners provide a variety of workforce services for job seekers and employers at SC Works Centers, Connection Points and satellite offices in 12 local workforce investment areas across all 46 SC counties.
SC Department of Employment and workforceSCDEW matches jobseekers with employers quickly, efficiently, and effectively, and offers a variety of services to assist both groups. DEW, one of 16 cabinet agencies, is a partner in the state’s workforce system. DEW and its partners provide a variety of workforce services for job seekers and employers at SC Works Centers, Connection Points and satellite offices in 12 local workforce investment areas across all 46 SC counties. |
SC Vocational Rehabilitation
SCVR prepares and assists eligible South Carolinians with disabilities to achieve and maintain competitive employment. Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act SCVR is able to combine their strengths with those of workforce partners. These partnerships help to ensure that individuals encountering barriers to employment receive coordinated and complementary services. These services help them acquire the skills, training, and credentials they need to meet the workforce requirements of employers throughout our state. In turn, employers gain access to qualified, dedicated candidates for employment in areas such as construction, manufacturing, transportation, information technology, health care, hospitality, and the service industry.
SC Vocational RehabilitationSCVR prepares and assists eligible South Carolinians with disabilities to achieve and maintain competitive employment. Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act SCVR is able to combine their strengths with those of workforce partners. These partnerships help to ensure that individuals encountering barriers to employment receive coordinated and complementary services. These services help them acquire the skills, training, and credentials they need to meet the workforce requirements of employers throughout our state. In turn, employers gain access to qualified, dedicated candidates for employment in areas such as construction, manufacturing, transportation, information technology, health care, hospitality, and the service industry. |
Morris College
Morris College is a historically black, coeducational, liberal arts college, operated by the Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention of South Carolina. The college is committed to promoting the intellectual and personal development of every one of its students. The mission of Morris College is to produce graduates who can pursue useful and productive careers and in so doing enhance their own lives and the society in which they take their places. That mission is being successfully implemented by the thousands of Morris College graduates throughout the nation who are continually making significant contributions.
Morris CollegeMorris College is a historically black, coeducational, liberal arts college, operated by the Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention of South Carolina. The college is committed to promoting the intellectual and personal development of every one of its students. The mission of Morris College is to produce graduates who can pursue useful and productive careers and in so doing enhance their own lives and the society in which they take their places. That mission is being successfully implemented by the thousands of Morris College graduates throughout the nation who are continually making significant contributions. |
University of South Carolina Sumter
USC Sumter is located in the heart of the state, about 45 miles east of the capital of Columbia, South Carolina. USC Sumter became a University of South Carolina campus in 1973 and today has an enrollment of about 1,300 per academic year. USC Sumter confers two-year associate's degrees, offers face-to-face baccalaureate degree programs in business, nursing, and education in partnership with USC Aiken, and offers nineteen online bachelor’s degrees as part of Palmetto College.
University of South Carolina SumterUSC Sumter is located in the heart of the state, about 45 miles east of the capital of Columbia, South Carolina. USC Sumter became a University of South Carolina campus in 1973 and today has an enrollment of about 1,300 per academic year. USC Sumter confers two-year associate's degrees, offers face-to-face baccalaureate degree programs in business, nursing, and education in partnership with USC Aiken, and offers nineteen online bachelor’s degrees as part of Palmetto College. |