
Putting the Edge in Knowledge.

Families in Sumter County are pleased to discover that quality is uniformly high and choices in schools are widely and attractively varied. From faith-based and secular K-12 private schools to a public K-12 system where a focus on STEM has yielded flourishing results that have influence the development of a STEAM focused public charter school.

With seven excellent higher education options right here in Sumter County—and more than a dozen others within an hour’s drive—Sumter high school graduates that are ready to go the distance in college won’t have to go long distances for a superb higher education.

In a relentlessly competitive world market and a 21st century world where multiple literacies are crucial to success and satisfaction, Sumter’s knowledge base is an edge for our people, for our community, and for our future.

K-12 Education

Crestwood High School
Wilson Hall
Sumter Christian School
Furman Middle School
Sumter Career & Technology Expo
Kingsburry Elementary School
Wilder Elementary School
Alice Drive Elementary School
Thomas Sumter Academy
Pocalla Springs Elementary
Ebenezer Middle School
Lemira Elementary School
Westside Christian Academy
Shaw Heights Elementary
Willow Drive Elementary School
Rafting Creek Elementary School
Sumter High School
Alice Drive Middle School
Chestnut Oaks Middle School
R.E. Davis
Liberty STEAM Charter School
Ragin Preparatory Christian Academy
Crosswell Drive Elementary
Oakland Primary School
Lakewood High School
Cherryvale Elementary
High Hills Elementary School
Bates Middle School
Manchester Elementary School
Hillcrest Middle School
Millwood Elementary School

Sumter School District: Higher Notes, Higher Performance.


To educate all students to embrace diversity, act responsibly, and contribute positively in a competitive, global society.

To educate all students to embrace diversity, act responsibly, and contribute positively in a competitive, global society.

In the Sumter School District, the numbers are high and so are the expectations. With an enrollment of approximately 19,000 in public and private schools, students at every grade level are fostered for academic excellence and personal growth. The school system boasts nationally accredited STEM Schools, Carnegie Hall Performances, prestigious scholarship recipients, and athletic championships. We strive for local excellence to drive global success.

When mapping out a great future, it’s a pretty smart idea to start at a school that cracked South Carolina’s top 100 in the National Geographic Bee or a champion at the State Quiz Bowl. Whether you are aiming for a robust technical track or rigorous college prep, you’ll find that schools in Sumter prepare students today for tomorrow's changes, challenges, and opportunities.

Be it faith-based or secular, college or career prep, education in Sumter puts students where they want to be.

Higher Education


Higher Education

Clemson University
Central Carolina Technical College
Morris College
Webster University
University of South Carolina
Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University
Saint Leo University
Troy University
The Citadel
University of South Carolina - Sumter
Francis Marion University
College of Charleston

Post-high school opportunities are abundant in and around Sumter, where the choices are great in every way. Seven institutions of higher learning are right here in the county and more than a dozen choices within a one-hour drive. For students seeking a faster route to career opportunities, there are two-year degree programs across diverse fields, from education to nursing.

South Carolina’s flagship university is less than 45 miles away and extends to a local campus in Sumter which offers four-year bachelor’s degrees. Our historically black college, Morris, is co-educational and provides personal growth as a part of a rich meaningful educational experience. Branching out with quality, Shaw Air Force Base offers higher education programs to expand opportunities for military employees and others with undergraduate and graduate programs.

Vibrant life with enhanced educational opportunities awaits and is at the core of industrial technology and workforce training and certification in Sumter.

We want always to walk hand-in-hand with our community leaders to make sure we meet the needs of our students.

- Dean Michael Sonntag, University of South Carolina Sumter

We want always to walk hand-in-hand with our community leaders to make sure we meet the needs of our students.

- Dean Michael Sonntag, University of South Carolina Sumter