Sumter School System: Higher Notes, Higher Performance.
At the Sumter School System, the outlook is global and the vision is clear:
To educate all students to embrace diversity, act responsibly and contribute positively in a competitive, global society.
To educate all students to embrace diversity, act responsibly and contribute positively in a competitive, global society.
Also in Sumter School Systems, the numbers are high: an enrollment of approximately 18,000 students being educated on a budget of approximately $100 million, and with expectations that are even higher. In a system where the high school chorus has performed at Carnegie Hall, excellence and attainment are expected.
A world of books, a world of opportunity—the Sumter School System offers it all:
At the Lemira Elementary School, for example, during one week out of the month students learn facts about colleges around the nation; after the t-shirt drawing at the end of the week four students proudly sport t-shirts emblazoned with academic ambition. Those student ambitions are fed and facilitated in all kinds of ways. At the Oakland Primary School, which serves children of the families employed at Shaw Air Force Base, the Capstone Digital Library gives each child anytime access to a collection of 1,500 books. Alice Drive, a nationally accredited STEM Middle School, is the 12th school in the nation to receive such recognition, and the 1st middle school in the state to do so.
At the high school level, achievement is nurtured with equal effectiveness. In 2016, even as the chorus at Crestwood High School performed at Carnegie Hall, two students were awarded the prestigious Gates Millennium Scholarships and two were awarded Harmon Scholarships. High notes and higher performance are also the hallmark at the Sumter Career and Technology Center, housed just off of the Sumter High School campus, where 11th graders on the tech track were recently offered three new two-year programs, in Integrated Production Technologies, Informatics and Aerospace Engineering. The sky really is the limit in the Sumter School System.
Local excellence for a global success: the Sumter School System prepares students today for tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities.