Private Schools in Sumter County
School Choice. Student Achievement.
When you’re mapping out a great future, it’s a pretty smart idea to start at a school that cracked South Carolina’s Top 100 in the National Geographic Bee. At St. Anne and St. Jude Catholic K-8 system, that’s only one of the system’s 2016 achievements which also included an SCISA Science Fair First Place state winner (and three Third Place winners), as well the SCISA Middle School Battle of the Books State Championship and the SCISA Middle School Quiz Bowl State runner-up prize. And the St. Anne/St. Jude option is only one of a half-dozen high-achieving private schools that serve Sumter children and their families.
One of the largest independent schools in the state with an enrollment of over 750, Wilson Hall is recognized throughout the region for its rigorous college prep; in fact, one of the school’s graduation requirements is acceptance to a four-year university. What’s more, most Wilson Hall graduates aren’t just accepted to college, they’re welcomed with some form of merit-based scholarship—no surprise given that the average student SAT score is a full 200 points above the national average.
Recognizing the new realities of the global market—and of Sumter’s booming industrial base—the forward-thinking administration at Sumter Academy broadened student options and opportunities with a three-tracked path to graduation, offering a General or Standard diploma, a College Prep diploma and an Advanced College prep diploma.
In Sumter, private education traditions run as deep as achievements are high, with several of the schools, like Thomas Sumter Academy, boasting more than a half-century of high standards and higher attainment.
Great choice, high achievement: Whether faith-based or secular, college or career prep, a private education in Sumter puts students where they want to be.