Sumter Income Level On the Rise
December 17, 2015
Reprinted with permission of Sumter's daily newspaper, The Item. For more information or to subscribe, please visit
An informational letter from South Carolina Department of Revenue announced Monday that Sumter County's 2014 per capita income is $36,077, a little more than $3,000 higher than in the previous year.
Sumter County is ranked No. 11 out of South Carolina's 46 counties based on its per capita income, which increased by 8 percent from 2013 to 2014, according to Sumter Economic Development.
Also, Sumter's per capita income falls $600 short of matching the state's average of $36,677.
Sumter Economic Development President and CEO Jay Schwedler said a sign that Sumter is making solid progress in creating a better quality of life for residents is reflected in how close the county's per capita income reflects the state average.
He said per capita income serves as a measurement of the stability and wealth within an economy, which suggests the same for the individual.
Schwedler said collective efforts by leadership in private and public sectors have contributed to Sumter's per capita income growth.
There is still much work to be done in order to continue improving the community, he said.
Schwedler said the primary key to furthering Sumter's progress is continuing to focus on creating a talented and educated workforce.
That involves Sumter School District, Central Carolina Technical College, University of South Carolina Sumter, Morris College and other workforce preparedness organizations working hand-in-hand to create a dynamic learning environment, Schwedler said.
"We all owe it to the next generation to give them the opportunity to succeed and live a better life than ourselves," he said.
Schwedler said expectations for Sumter's 2015 per capita income include passing the state's average and continuing the forward momentum to achieve the progress the community and region are capable of achieving.