Morris College Hosts Science In Action Week
February 03, 2019
The Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will celebrate its annual Science in Action Week beginning Tuesday evening with a Cyber Security Fair highlighting "Innovations in Cyber Security" presented by Col. Williams Oden, Deputy Chief of Staff for Cyber Security of the S.C. Military Department of the Office of the Adjutant General, and William Littleton of the SPAWAR, Center Atlantic, North Charleston.
On Wednesday, a multitude of presenters will visit classrooms including: nurse Tamesha McKnight, CPRMC, Hartsville; Drs. Kareem and Jachelle Sprattling (dentists), Latta; Four Clark Atlanta/Northeastern University engineering students Madisyn Dudley, Allen Lee, Kayla Newsome and Keven Morton; Erika Williams of Sumter Economic Development Board-Link; Dr. Chris Powers of MUSC School of Medicine; and Clarence Brown of the Pre-College University (DOE).
On Thursday, Dr. Marcus White, a 2011 graduate of Morris College, will be the keynote speaker for the 10 a.m. assembly program in the Neal-Jones Auditorium. White obtained his Doctorate in Material Science and Engineering from Norfolk State University in May 2018. He is employed as materials and process engineer by the Northrop Grumman Corp. of Baltimore, Maryland.
On Friday, STEM students will wrap up the week with presentations of their favorite black scientists and mathematicians.
On Tuesday, Feb. 12, the Career Services Center is sponsoring its Annual Career and Job Fair from 9 a.m. to noon in the Garrick-Boykin Human Development Center. The fair is a chance for students to meet recruiters and gather information concerning job opportunities or careers with participating employers and schedule interviews for possible job opening