Shaw Air Force Base

Powerful Expertise in a Global Industrial Arsenal

It’s a safer world abroad and stronger economy here at home in Sumter, thanks to the Shaw Air Force Base. Retirees and spouses also provide an experienced, flexible, and skills-ready backbone for the Sumter workforce.

Since 1941, Shaw Air Force Base has been home to hundreds of aircrafts and thousands of service members. As the Air Force's largest F-16 Combat Wing, the mission of the 20th FW is to provide combat-ready airpower and airmen.

Since 1941, Shaw Air Force Base has been home to hundreds of aircrafts and thousands of service members. As the Air Force's largest F-16 Combat Wing, the mission of the 20th FW is to provide combat-ready airpower and airmen.



Military Connections

Shaw Air Force Base is a tremendous asset. When local airmen and soldiers separate from the military, they have an above average skill set that transitions well into industries seeking a keen knowledge and sharp awareness of technology and other mechanical skills. On average 40 to 80 military members retire per month.

The base was named after World War I Pilot and Sumter County native 1st Lt. Ervin David Shaw. Ervin Shaw enlisted in the Army June 27, 1913 and served in Savannah, GA for the first four years of his military career. He was granted an honorable discharge in 1918 for him to accept a commission as a first lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Air Service.

​Shaw Field was activated as the home of the Air Corps Basic Flying School to train pilots during World War II. More than 8,600 pilots were trained at Shaw Field in basic and advanced flying courses.​


Economic Impact of Shaw Air Force Base in the Sumter Region

Housing Impact

House icon


Rental activity for owner-occupied dwellings 

Dining Impact

Utensils icon

$32.77 M

Food Services and drinking places 

Real Estate Impact

Key icon

$24.98 M

Real Estate Establishments 

Retail Impact

Price Tags icon

$21.44 M

Retail Stores - General Merchandise

Office Impact

Medical icon

$19.52 M

Offices of Physicians, dentists, and health practitioners

Housing Impact

House icon


Rental activity for owner-occupied dwellings 

Dining Impact

Utensils icon

$32.77 M

Food Services and drinking places 

Real Estate Impact

Key icon

$24.98 M

Real Estate Establishments 

Retail Impact

Price Tags icon

$21.44 M

Retail Stores - General Merchandise

Office Impact

Medical icon

$19.52 M

Offices of Physicians, dentists, and health practitioners